I have to admit that I'yard actually disappointed about Doreen Virtue'due south contempo blog post (A-Z Listing of New Historic period Practices To Avoid), calling everything—up to and including rainbow sparkly unicorns and statues—demonic work of the devil, and anyone who was working with angels, Reiki, drums, shamanism, yoga, MINDFULNESS… yous name information technology, all evil according to Doreen.

Oh. My. Gods.

The weird thing is that her words in that blog postal service go against almost everything she taught in her classes, at to the lowest degree what I got from them. Parts of her list don't even make sense, actually. I mean, has Doreen e'er stepped pes in a church? She says statues are evil and false idols, but every Catholic church I've been in in my whole life is filled with statues of Jesus, Mary, and other figures in the Christian tradition. Are nosotros to retrieve that churches are evil now, too?

Her teachings earlier she was baptized and born again in 2017 were all virtually acceptance, non-judgment, learning to trust your ain intuition, being kind simply assertive, connecting with nature. Doreen Virtue didn't stop at education people how to work with her cards or respect deities from other religions, she also delved into her version of keeping yourself and your environment healthier and creating a life that was more than in line with your own happiness.

I talked a bit about my thoughts about Doreen Virtue'southward Conversion to Christianity here
and how the Angels Are Bigger Than Just One Person: Angel Work Post Doreen Virtue here

Personally, I enjoyed reading her books and learning about different ways of connecting with my intuition and angels with the practices she taught. What I learned past following some of what she taught and combining it with other rituals and details I learned from other sources took my spirituality to the next level. My own craft and connection with Spirit grew from my work, and I was too led to other teachers, topics, and rituals through learning about angels, ascended masters, goddesses, etc.

I won't say that I bought everything she sold hook, line, and sinker, though. I never went vegan or believed in chem-trails. She was one of many teachers whose work I used to cleave out my own spiritual path. I plant Doreen'due south teachings to be broad enough to allow many people to recognize and build their spiritual gifts and practices. Her work helped me take my ain to the next level.

And the people I met through her community are some of the absolute best people I've e'er had the pleasure to know! The Light Workers, World Angels, Tarot Readers, etc that I met were, equally a whole, empathic, understanding, generous (sometimes to a fault), sensitive, forgiving, fascinating people. They're fun and, considering they're high-vibe people, they are oft kinder than nearly of the people I've met through other spaces.

So I don't get how the people whom I met and formed bonds through Doreen Virtue's piece of work are demonic. Empathy, kindness, tolerance, curiosity, Variety are evil and we must change our ways immediately or face eternal damnation? Sorry. I'm not ownership that.

Call me a sinner then. This girl own't giving up her Reiki, tarot, crystals, drum circles, magical friends, yoga, nature, and then many other things I consider sacred and fascinating because Doreen Virtue says they are from the devil. And I certainly don't see my friends, colleagues, and peers who work with energy, self-help, and those who believe in something other than Christianity as being possessed by demons or in contact with evil entities. The people who I've gotten to know through the Angel Customs aren't, in my opinion, possessed past demons like Doreen Virtue asserts. They seem quite the opposite to me.

And that leads me to the reasons I am extremely disappointed about Doreen Virtue'south blog post:

1) The people I mentioned to a higher place. Some are doubting their connection to Spirit at present. If Doreen was sincere at first, or if she was simply in it for the money or never believed in it at all, or if she thinks it's all satanic and demonic, what does that make them? What does that make me? What does that make their work? What does information technology say about mine? (I've removed my association with her piece of work from my site in well-nigh places. If you find mention of it on my site, please tell me which page and then I can update information technology.)

As I mentioned in a higher place, Light Workers—myself included—are a sensitive bunch, so having 1 of the most popular teachers in the community who taught us some of the methods we apply to connect with Spirit or different entities call the work we do out as evil and negative causes a gut reaction. Either you think, "Wow, she's lost her marbles," similar me and go on with life or y'all remember, "Have I been imagining this all along? Are those entities I've been interacting with really evil?"

Some people who institute such comfort in their spirituality that was sometimes expanded past Doreen Virtue's work are once again insecure and questioning what'due south going on in their worlds, what they are sensing, the messages they are getting.

The loss of trust ane might place in her own intuition is a great loss to me. We need More people honoring their own intuition and thoughts and being confident in themselves and a little focused on their own happiness, not less. We need to keep moving frontward with this connexion with the positive and good, not less. We don't need to set up ourselves dorsum 50 years in the spiritual community.

ii) Some other thing nosotros have to discuss is religious diversity. Non everyone is a Christian. There are other religions, other gods and deities, other belief systems in the earth that should be respected and it'due south good to larn about other gods and goddesses from other cultures and religions, too. Her new stance is anti-magic, anti-witch/World-based religion/pagan, anti-indiginous population, and xenophobic.

Did nosotros learn nil from the Inquisitions or from the Witch Hunts and trials? Are nosotros going back to the time when religious freedom was banned and those who went against the teachings of the Church were shamed, outcast, tortured, and murdered?

Going from tolerance, acceptance, bringing people together and broadening their minds and cognition bases to saying that everything that You lot don't believe in is demonic or satanic is merely disturbing, especially in today's global environment. The world is a smaller place nowadays, and it's amend to learn about and respect people with other religious beliefs and rituals instead of condemning them. Understanding one another and having open conversations about what we believe in is how we make the world a ameliorate identify. We demand more than tolerance, not less.

People demand to exist able to connect with a more world-based religion if that's what floats their boats. We need to exist able to reconnect ties that were long agone cutting for fear of being found out equally a witch. We should be able to practice their own form of religion and worship our ain gods.

Magic can't go surreptitious again. We, as a community, tin can't permit it.

iii) Doreen Virtue is speaking from a place of fear, non love. Her whole post dripped guilt, shame, judgment, and fear. She'south looking to brand people upset with her "bad, bad, bad" babble. She's certainly not embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ as I know them. She needs to ask herself WWJD and allow our own gods approximate us when our fourth dimension comes. Mayhap she, herself, has something to be scared of. I don't experience like I do.

So, while I do wholeheartedly think that Doreen'southward spiritual path is her own, I wish she'd follow the advice she might accept given earlier she was born over again, the advice I think that Jesus, whose name she brought upwardly over and over, would give: Promote what you lot love instead of bashing what you don't. Respect anybody in your space, even if they take different behavior. Honey thy neighbour.

If Doreen doesn't want to get a Reiki session or practice mindfulness or meditate, that's her business, merely she needs to quit calling anything SHE doesn't believe in bad, peculiarly people of other religions and backgrounds.